211 is a free, comprehensive information and referral system...
211 is a one-stop source of information for people in need of assistance. When you reach out to 211, they’ll assess your situation and then utilize an extensive, up-to-date database to find the best resource(s) to meet your needs. They act as a single point of contact for thousands of health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and governmental programs.
211 can offer referrals to these types of services
Basic Human Needs:
Rent assistance
Utility assistance
Health Insurance Programs:
Medical Clinics
Medicaid and Medicare
Maternal health care
Mental Health Counseling
Employment Supports
Job training
Educational programs
Support for Children, Youth & Families:
Summer Meal Programs
Head Start
Child Care
Holiday assistance
School Supplies
Support for Older Americans & Persons with Disabilities:
Congregate or Home Delivered Meals
In-home Supports
Respite Care

We are Here When Emergencies Happen

211 is Inform USA Accredited
The holder of this digital badge has been accredited by Inform USA (www.informusa.org). Inform USA Accreditation is for programs operating within the community/social service/health sectors that have proven their ability to meet the Inform USA Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral (www.informusa.org/standards).